Seven Loaves CommUnity managers met on Monday, 11 February 2013. Six people participated in this meeting. Seven Loaves Food Pantry, Joseph’s Coat, and West Side Clinic were represented.

The food pantry served 1800 people during January 2013.

It was decided that a brief meeting beginning at 3:45 PM and ending before the pantry opens at 4:00 PM is the most convenient time for face-to-face meetings. New technology including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will be used to exchange information and minimize the need for face-to-face meetings. Successful non-profits are on the cutting edge of technology. Seven Loaves volunteers are encouraged to like, follow, and connect with the Seven Loaves CommUnity on these social media.

Most volunteers at the Thursday food pantry are retired or otherwise unemployed. This enables them to be at the pantry during typical business hours. Most volunteers at the Saturday food pantry are currently employed and only able to volunteer on Saturday.

Terry Breedlove is arranging to print Certificates of Appreciation on card stock. This certificate will be given to organizations and individuals who provide significant support to Seven Loaves CommUnity. The organization or individual will be named on the certificate and the function of Seven Loaves CommUnity supported will be identified. Chic-fil-A will be one of the first to receive this Certificate of Appreciation.

One possible project is to place boxes with billboards in various businesses to collect change donations. Another possible project will be Seven Loaves Check Printers placed in automobile dealership; this could be an Eagle Scout project.

Kohl’s Department Store is accepting nominations of persons less than 18 years of age to recognize for their volunteer activities. Terry Breedlove is open for nominations of Seven Loaves volunteers who can be submitted to Kohl’s.

West Side Clinic has been canceled due because there were no medical care providers. Paid staff has been removed. Financial qualification is scaring potential clients away. Clinic is in desperate need of consistent leadership.

Email distribution lists need to be updated to enable appropriate information about each part of Seven Loaves CommUnity to be sent to each address.

Terry Breedlove has ordered four new signs that have the correct pantry times displayed.

We need to get word out that Seven Loaves volunteers can get credit for Seven Loaves Food Pantry by volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank. They need to sign in on the Seven Loaves Food Pantry account at the North Texas Food Bank. 

Seven Loaves Food Pantry was open on Thursday, 31 January 2013 and served 48 families. Each family received fresh potatoes; made selections from the personal shopping table; received frozen meats; fresh eggs, and one number one bag and one number two bag for each family member. Each number one bag of food contained canned protein and three cans of fruit. Each number two bag of food contained four cans of vegetables or soup, a bag of dried beans, and a grain such as pasta or rice. Specific contents of the number one and two bags vary according to what is in stock in the dry room. The food pantry will be open again on Thursday, 07 February 2013 between 4:00 PM and 6:30 PM.

Seven Loaves Food Pantry is located in St. Andrew United Methodist Church of Plano, Texas. The food pantry is one function of Common Unity, Inc. (dba Seven Loaves CommUnity) a faith-based 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Service nonprofit agency. Other functions include coat distribution through Joseph’s Coat, medical care at West Side Clinic, specialized help through Project Hope, and legal assistance through a legal clinic. More information is available at

Seven Loaves Community held a managers meeting on Thursday, 03 January 2013 at St. Andrew United Methodist Church in Plano, Texas that was attended by 15 people. Reports were presented for Seven Loaves Food Pantry, Joseph’s Coat, West Side Clinic, and Project Hope. Volunteers will begin signing in on a dedicated computer in place of the handwritten log sheets. Annual Civil Rights training and bi-annual MinistrySafe certification are required.